Sonofonic Painted Acoustic Clouds
Sontext have recently released a range of Acoustic Clouds which include 10 shapes. The purpose of Painted Acoustic Clouds is to introduce a sound absorbing treatment into a space which has too much noise or need to have the sound improved. If there is no option for a suspended ceiling or wall areas to place the acoustic treatment then one of the options availability is to suspend Acoustic Clouds from the ceiling or roof structure.
By using Painted Acoustic clouds you have almost an unlimited range of colors from the Pantone range. The paint treatment is over the Tonasorb facing and due to the unique characteristics it is acoustically transparent.
Painted acoustic clouds NSW
At the Sontext office in Sydney we have literature and samples of the Sonofonic Painted Acoustic clouds. We also have samples of the paint colors that are available see Pantone Color Selection. By calling Mr Gerald on +61 (0)2 9844 5414 you can discuss the solutions to your noisy space.