In schools and classrooms, students need to be able to hear their teachers clearly and be able to concentrate. But sometimes, the noise in the school can make it hard to focus. That’s why acoustic panels are essential— they make classrooms quieter and more comfortable for learning. Let’s explore why acoustic panels are crucial to educational environments and how they can make a big difference.

Acoustic Panels and why they are essential.

Acoustic panels are designed to absorb sound. They’re made from materials that soak noise like sponges, such as Glasswool, Polyester Acoustic Panels , or Acoustic Timber Panels. When you put them on the walls or ceiling of a classroom, they help reduce echoes and make the room quieter.

Why Do Schools Need Acoustic Panels?

  1. Better Learning Environment: In a noisy classroom, it’s hard for students to hear their teacher’s instructions or pay attention to lessons. Acoustic panels help create a quieter environment where students can focus on learning without being distracted by background noise.
  2. Improved Communication: Teachers must communicate clearly with their students, but loud classrooms can make it difficult. Acoustic panels help enhance speech intelligibility by reducing reverberation, making it easier for students to understand what their teacher says.
  3. Reduced Stress: Loud noises can be stressful for students, especially those with learning difficulties, by creating unnecessary distractions to their learning. For teachers, excessive noise levels can cause increased stress and difficulty concentrating. By absorbing excess sound, acoustic panels create a calmer and more comfortable atmosphere, promoting a positive learning experience for everyone in the classroom.

How Do Acoustic Panels Help in Schools?

  1. Noise Reduction: Acoustic panels help decrease classroom noise levels by absorbing sound. This makes it easier for students to hear their teacher and participate in classroom activities without being disturbed by noise from other areas of the school. Sontext Serenity Acoustic  Panels offer a range of solutions that incorporate a range of colours or high-quality printed panels
  2. Echo Reduction: A classroom built with hard surfaces creates an uncomfortable classroom or lecture theatre. That’s because sound waves bounce off the walls and make echoes. Acoustic panels help minimize echoes by absorbing sound, resulting in a more transparent and pleasant acoustic learning environment.
  3. Improved Concentration: Students can concentrate better on their work when classrooms are quieter. Acoustic panels, such as the Decrasound range of Polyester acoustic solutions, offer both acoustic and great design options. This creates a more focused learning environment by reducing distractions and allowing students to engage more fully in their lessons.

Where Should Acoustic Panels Be Installed in Schools?

  1. Classrooms: The most important place to install acoustic panels in schools is in the classrooms. By placing panels on the walls and ceiling of each classroom, schools can create quieter and more conducive learning environments for students.
  2. Common Areas: Areas like cafeterias, gymnasiums, and hallways can also benefit from acoustic panels to reduce noise and echoes. This creates a more pleasant environment for students during lunchtime, physical education classes, and other school activities.
  3. Multipurpose Rooms: Many schools have multipurpose rooms for assemblies, performances, and events. Acoustic panels can be installed in these rooms to improve acoustics and ensure everyone can hear and enjoy the performance.


Acoustic panels are great solutions for creating better learning environments in schools. By reducing noise, minimizing echoes, and improving speech intelligibility, these panels help students hear their teachers better, concentrate more effectively, and ultimately, learn more efficiently. For schools committed to providing high-quality education, investing in acoustic panels is a simple yet impactful way to support student success and well-being.

Sontext have a wide range of acoustic panels that can be very creative to basic design, please see the Sontext website for further information.